Make the Right Hiring Decision Every Time
The Five Point Training Program: Success is knowing what to aim for!
When we hire a new person for our business, we hope that they will be the “right one.” Why, then, are we often disappointed? I will be sharing with you my Five Point Training Program for finding just the right employee, backed by 38 years of experience and success.
You Will Learn How to:
Create a marketing message that only attracts the right candidates
Create a consistent interview process that measures results
Convert education and experience into actionable results
Avoid biases that control decision making
Avoid asking the wrong questions while hoping for the right answers
In Addition to the Five-Point Training Program, we offer these additional tools
- To measure critical aspects of compatibility between managers and their employees.
- To measure your inherent executive potential and your approach to confronting challenges, while achieving excellence in leadership by predicting how your characteristics will manifest in your behaviors.
- To measure team effectiveness with in-depth information to maximize working relationships with you and each member of your team.
- To measure Integrity, Reliability, Work Ethic, and attitudes related to Subsidence Abuse
- To measure capability, behaviors and interests matched to top performance within your organization.